onsemi (Ansemi)
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NC7WZ14L6X TinyLogic UHS Dual Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Input


TinyLogic UHS Dual Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Input
Nambari ya Sehemu
Logic Devices > Inverters
onsemi (Ansemi)
Idadi ya vifurushi
The NC7WZ14 is a dual inverter with Schmitt Trigger inputs, part of ON Semiconductor's TinyLogic Ultra High Speed ​​(UHS) family, featuring a space-saving SC70 6-lead encapsulation. The device is fabricated using an advanced CMOS process that enables ultra-high speed and high output drive while maintaining low static power consumption over a very wide VCC operating range. The device is specified to operate from 1.65 to 5.5V VCC. When VCC is 0V, the input and output are high impedance. The input is tolerant to 7V regardless of VCC operating voltage. Schmitt trigger inputs at 5V allow for a typical hysteresis of 1V between positive-going and negative-going input threshold voltages.
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